Fiscal Sponsorship

watering-can-iconGARDEN, Inc. has provided fiscal sponsorship for key partners and organizations since 2010. We work with organizations that promote a sustainable future and heal our communities. We support individual artists, environmental organizations, limited profit liability corporations and other businesses that sponsor projects that are aligned with the mission and vision of GARDEN, Inc. We help educate the community about the linkages between the arts and the environment, culture and agriculture, education and meditation, and healing the planet through the sharing of knowledge and experience.

Nonprofit fiscal sponsorship allows for-profit entities and individuals to fundraise and apply for grants that are only available to charitable organizations. GARDEN, Inc. is designated as an IRS 501(c)3 organization that assumes legal and administrative liability on a project by project basis. We require an application, pre-approval and signed agreements for services. Our primary focus is to ensure that the needs of our clients are in full alignment with the mission and purpose of our organization.

The following organizations have been the beneficiaries of fiscal sponsorship services and continue to work closely with GARDEN, Inc.:

Desert Harvesters, Tucson, AZ

Jewish Native American Unity (JNAU), Tucson, AZ

Land Healers Foundation, Tucson, AZ

Blue Shadows Farms, Gilbert, AZ

Eric Noyes, Consultant, Bozeman, MT

Borderlands Restoration, L3C, Patagonia, AZ

Deep Dirt Farm Institute, Patagonia, AZ

Comcaac/ Seri Community of Desemboque de los Seris; Sonora, Mexico